4. Our Travel Adventures to Thanksgiving Traditions

Small Town Big Mouths Podcast Season 1 Episode 4

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Embark on an electrifying journey with Misty as she unfolds a riveting adventure in Nashville, revealing captivating stories of transforming a Confederate home into an Airbnb. Amidst the chaos, Nikki's plans get tangled, leading to unexpected detours and encounters with A-list celebrities like Molly Shannon. Meanwhile, Amber shares her comical struggles during a 5-day cruise to Cabo for her Dad's celebration, trying to keep up with her spirited best friend while others hit the hay.

As the mood transitions to heartfelt Thanksgiving plans, Amber reflects on the poignant sixth anniversary of her husband's passing. Join us in navigating the delicate balance of celebrating these occasions while cherishing the memories of our loved ones. We'll also delve into the joyous tales behind our favorite family dishes.

But the entertainment doesn't stop there – brace yourself for a sidesplitting first-date escapade with an overly inebriated guy at a brewery. After the laughter subsides, we shift gears into a profound discussion on diversity in podcasting, celebrating the unique perspectives arising from our diverse backgrounds. Join us in the upcoming episode with guest speaker Athena, promising a blend of laughter, tears, and enlightenment as we navigate these stories and discussions with our signature humor and candidness. Tune in for a rollercoaster of emotions and experiences that will leave you eagerly anticipating more!

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Welcome to Small Town, big Mouths podcast, where our three hosts will be unraveling tales about dating and life in general that will have you laughing, nodding your head and even cringing in sympathy. So sit back, buckle up and get ready for the ride.


Hey everyone, welcome back. This is Misty Atkins and this is Nikki and this is Amber.


you're one and only.


So in this next episode, we are going to touch on our recent vacations that we all took. Like I said, highlights, lowlights, bad lights, all the shit in between, and then, right after that, we're going to roll into our Thanksgiving plans, stories, traditions. You may have Black Friday shopping, whatever it is, but let's start off with Misty. Let's talk about your vacation. How was that? Where did you go? Nashville, nashville.


I went to Goodall Nashville, tennessee, and it was really cool because we went during Veterans Weekend. So if you know the South, that's just it. That's the weekend to go. Weather was beautiful. We got a little bit of rain when we flew in on Thursday, but it was straight to Broadway, it was straight to Music City and we had a blast. Very little sleep, but we came through and I just got back on Sunday night and ready to go here. Let me start with this, though the Airbnb fund that we had.


So can I real quick who went with you besides Gary and Molly, and then my friend Joy. Oh Joy, that's right.


Yeah, so four of us went.


So married couple I just trying to get it all. And then two single women. Two single women.


And this is like my fourth time going, I think. So, with that being said, we are out there to have fun. Of course Molly and Gary are going to have fun too. I mean, just because you're married doesn't mean you don't have fun. But we went out there and we just hit it. We hit the pavement and we went to all of the great bars that people know about. Of course you got Jason Aldean, Luke Bryan, Kid Rock. You know, last time I went Kid Rock, he actually came out and he sang at his own bar.


Oh, that's cool.


Yeah, so we were hoping to maybe see him because it was a Thursday and not the weekend, but and like a good weekend to be there.




And it was a no go. We went, you guys, which I did not even know. We flew in the day after the CMAs.


Oh yeah. I did see that on TV in the hotel. Yeah, the hotels we were at.


Yeah, it was Wednesday night, yeah, so I had no idea. I had people sending me stuff and I was like holy shit, this is going to be packed Right.


It's so cool.


Yeah, yeah, I mean, of course we didn't see anybody, but it was packed because people were there for the CMAs I'm sure you know, and stayed into the veteran weekend, because for some it was the three day, right. So our Airbnb we found a really cool like two story kind of like a cottage remodeled and it was in the middle of kind of nowhere but not far from everything. So that was cool, it wasn't sketchy, it was sketch around it.


It was sketch around it.


But you know, in talking to people that live there, you know I love that's when Uber drivers are so great because you get in, you pick their brain right.


Right, so the neighborhood it was in was good. It's the stuff around it, yeah.


Like, like, like one block over.


Well, that's like everywhere.


Yeah, we were in projects like for real. Oh my goodness, but it wasn't bad, Like there was anything. There was no Riff, raffin' Nye or anything Right, it wasn't bad. But they you know people are coming in like everywhere and flipping houses and turning them into Airbnbs. So one of the Uber drivers they were telling us that how hard it is because they actually have old homes from Confederate days, right, and the government's offering people like 300,000, and these are people that need money and so they take it and they don't even know what they're in for, like what that's worth.


They don't know right, they didn't do the research. But not only that, they're displaced now and they have to find somewhere with that money.


And there's nothing. It's higher out there than it is here. Right, They'd have to move really far out.


I feel like to make their money go as like longer. You know what I mean Further.


It's really sad.


It seems like a lot, which it does. But, like now, you have to move out of the city that you live in. You are out in the sticks and what about your employment?


And those homes that they are buying are worth one to two million.


Right, right, right, and they're getting 300,000. Right, because these people just don't know.


Yeah, yeah. And then they're restoring them, turning them to Airbnb's, that kind of thing. So we had a little conversation about that, which is just interesting. You know A lot of Californians they're moving there. They're like oh, you're from California again.


Oh yeah, my friends. Did you happen to see them? Did you hear them playing anywhere? Did you who? Are you Okay.


I don't know. I would have had to know where they were playing. Oh yeah, I was supposed to find out for you my dad. Sorry, martina, I know yeah it's all good and there was just music everywhere.


Yeah, I'm sure.


Yeah, so it's just interesting, you know. And then we did go to I gotta do a shout out, this was really cool. So we went to a place called Rosemary and the Beauty Queen and it was a house, an old house that they turned into a bar, oh. And so we went to dinner and that was like right around the corner and we really thought this was gonna be packed. And we showed up, lucked out, got right in and it was so cool because we've been doing Broadway, broadway the whole time, and this was a different vibe and a lot of younger people were there. So then we knew we were in a cool place, right? Because if the younger people are there, you're in a cool place, you know, kind of like Old Town saloon, that's right Shout out.


Thank you, ladies.


Go see our girl Nikki, but in Clovis, california, by the way. But we hung out there and it was just awesome the craft cocktails that they did and the vibe, so yeah, I mean it was just fun to be had. We didn't do too many historic tours or anything like that. No whiskey tastings on this one, it was really just bouncing around. And how many days were you there? Thursday to Monday, okay, yeah. And then the Gulch District and that's where all the shopping is.


And so we did get some shopping in, of course, the famous Angel Wing Picks did all that. So yeah, that's what I did Sounds like fun. Yeah, and then what's crazy is we all were on vacation, right yeah. So, amber, you went somewhere too.


I went on a cruise for my dad's 60th Went down to Cabo, which was super hot and humid. As soon as you get off the cruise ship, everybody's asking if you want Coke and Molta oh yeah. So then we went over to Cabo Wabo. The food and the service was awesome.


Well, you had food at Cabo Wabo yeah.


It's a restaurant.


I just, I guess I've never eaten there.


Yeah, but everything we had there was super delicious. Even there shot the pink pussy. Yeah, I was like dad here, have this, it's a pink pussy.


It was his birthday. Right, it was his birthday. How old? 60. 60.


Yeah. So that was fun. Being on the cruise ship, I learned how to play three card poker. I've never been confident on the tables I always play slot machines but it was just robbing me so I was like, let me go sit down and see if I can get this. I sat down with $30, me and my best friend both did and we played for two hours, learned how to play and walked away with money. So then what do you do when you have free time? You go back to the same table.


And then you get to know all the dealers and stuff and everybody's from different places, which is kind of cool. And then one night I mean me and my best friend she never gets to go out and she's always home with her kids, me and her mom, and so you know we're drinking. She doesn't normally drink. And so after the first night of being up late, getting up early, we went to a nice dinner for my dad's birthday. That night. I was like I'm done and she was like really You're gonna crash out on me and I'm like you're not gonna tell me that. Like let's go. So we went and changed and then we went to the nightclub that they had on the ship and that was fun interesting people dancing. I got some good videos of some guys you know, Crazy people Getting their jiggy on, so that's always fun.


And then we got out once we got off the ship. Oh, let me back up. We got off on Ensenada and 13 years ago I did the Ensenada cruise with my husband and I have a picture of this guy doing the spray paint art and so I pulled it up and I was like, hey, is this you? Because same kind of thing. You know he goes yeah, that's me and my grandson. So I had to buy one of his spray paint artwork. So that was kind of cool. His name was Fernando and he's been out there for 14 years and so I took a picture with him. He's like I kind of remember you and I'm like, no, you don't.


But thanks for saying that he probably makes good money too. I mean, if he's been staying in the same place for 14 years, why move along? You know what I mean.


Crazy yeah. And it's right where they drop you off the bus from the port and it's way different in there, because I have pictures from then. So I'm like, look, is anybody still here from back. Then he goes. No, it's just him. So I thought that was kind of cool.


Is it like a paper that you can roll up? Is it something like, or is it on a board?


It's kind of 11 by 14 paper. He spray paints the paper.


See, that's smart because you can roll it up and it's small and you can take it with you.


So yeah, no, it actually dries really quick. He lights it on fire and it dries.


Oh, I did see the video you posted.


Yes, so that's kind of cool and so it has a cardboard backing and I was able to put it in my luggage and bring it home with no problems, so I thought that was kind of cool. I couldn't pass it up just because I saw him again.


What are the odds of that.


Yeah exactly yeah, so that was kind of cool. And then we stopped and after we got off the cruise ship we went down to Palm Desert, stayed at the Desert Springs Villas. It was a really nice resort that they had there. It was 1,200 square feet Just amazing. The food there was good too.


You highly recommend.


I highly recommend it, and plus I get a really good discount.


So that doesn't help me.


I know Well. Normally they go for like 800 a night and I paid 125.


See soon when we get subscribers we'll be able to give them promo codes.


Yes. Or this bitch could just take us.


What the hell? I mean, we could do that too. Two, I mean we could A one-year celebration. Yeah, the one-year.


Yes, so that was always fun.


And then it was a long drive home from that, but I was glad to be back. My kids missed me. They didn't have no parties, misty, you know that's good yeah, I know I was super happy about that. No-transcript. Yeah, other than that, it was just kind of a nice, nice kind of vacation. I canceled my biggest plans for Thanksgiving Just because I need a break from everything with how crazy it's been. So what about you, nikki?


Well, it's funny that you should mention Vegas, because that's where I ended up. We started in San Francisco. We were going with the big side.


Yeah we were gonna take a San Francisco down to San Diego. Um, we got as far as Pismo and she, my friend, said something like I've never been to Las Vegas, and I was like what? Let's go to Las Vegas Right, come on. So I, we were gonna supposed to stop halfway in Mojave. Well, just for anyone out there who's really good with geology, which I am apparently not, mojave, the city and the Mojave Desert, are two completely separate places and they're like three hours from each other.


So I booked a Airbnb in the.


Mojave Desert. It was badass and had, like this jacuzzi outside, like the house had a lot of glass so you could see it was out in them. You know it was flat. I fucking put it in the GPS and I'm like, what? Like that's impossible for it to be that far away. It's on the way to Vegas. So I like those put pull up a map and I'm like, oh my god. So I emailed these people and I'm like it was literally a four-hour window and I'm trying to tell them, like you know, and they're like, sorry, we don't, blah, blah, blah. And then I said it wasn't a threatening kind of a thing, it was I actually put into chat GPT how to respond to someone that I put it all in there and it's spit, spit something out.


And I said what's chat GB? I've never heard of this. What it's the AI To respond to people?


you can know I'm not gonna say that. I know someone that uses it to respond to their boyfriend.


But I know.


It's her respond to the boyfriend.




You put in whatever. So I put in like oh my god.


I like to respond to be to be good.


Yeah, exactly to be like. So it sounds professional. You know it's wordy, but you can change it whatever. So I do all that. I send it to them and then the bitch comes back with sounds like you're threatening me and I'm like Um no, I did this and they're not.


Here's the thing threatening you because she thought I was threatening her with a bad review. No, because you can review me to and leave a bad review. So why would I do that? You and they were from. They were and this is no dig to anyone, that's not American, but they were French and I think there was some sort of language barrier because it was even translating. You know what I'm saying. And then she got mad and what it was like. I would have given you your money back had you asked, nicely. Well, I did the first time. And then I came back with something. It was just a big mess. So, anyway, came home, stayed one night at home, went to Vegas, had a great time. It was Mconn, so military Convention, something for the veterans.


Oh, very gone.


There was a Raiders game on Sunday. It was a three-day weekend. Wow, it was wild in Vegas. Oh my god, we went to Super Freco. Have you guys been there?


I've been and I love it.


It was so much fun. Oh my gosh, it's a restaurant in Vegas. We're just crazy. Shit's going on while you're eating. It's like a whole dinner show.


Yeah, but they're like all around, isn't the Cosmopolitan? Yeah, yeah.


Very cool. And then another place we ate in, actually in Capitola, outside of Santa Cruz, because we did make one night in Santa Cruz, so we did a night in San Francisco, night in Santa Cruz, a night in Pismo, then had to come home because of the whole thing and then did all the other stuff. We ate at a place called Shadowbrook in Capitola. Have you guys ever eaten there?


I have it is one of my favorite restaurants ever. They. You stand up here and wait, the restaurants down on the side of a hill and there's like a little lake community down there, oh no, and this little tram comes and picks you up and takes you down and the food is outstanding. Yeah romantic, yeah, it is, but I wanted her to see the food you know in the ambiance and we sat next to Molly Shannon. Really, she was sitting at a table eating with her kid and her husband.


Oh, my goodness cool as that and she was so nice. I didn't want to interrupt their dinner, but afterwards I was like they were getting up to leave.


I'm like I just want you to know I love you and she's like oh, you're so sweet.


She's like this is my son. He goes to college here, la la la, and I guess the dad had went to college there. So she was really nice and I'm glad I didn't interrupt their dinner. But, I didn't get a picture because I just don't want to be that girl, but I at least got to, like, say something yeah yeah.


So, Well, maybe we can tack her and see her.


Yes, absolutely yeah she was very, very nice. I googled before saying anything like how is Molly Shannon with her fan base? Because you don't want to like, you're in a restaurant, you know what I mean? It's a nice restaurant and I don't want to be that girl. And it says she's very responsive to her fans. So I thought, OK, I'm going to say hello at least.


Yeah, that's good, the craziest thought that you all pre-thought that out. I would have just been like, oh my god, it's her, and I'd be doing like a selfie, like holding my phone with her in the background.


Yeah, I feel like I've been fortunate enough to meet a lot of and I don't mean to sound like, oh, I'm so fortunate, but I've met a lot of people being at the bar. We've had a lot of acts that have played there, that have been like you know, zach Brown band played there, eli Young band, john Corbett, sex and the City, my big fat Greek wedding. He had a brief stint in country and he played there. Yeah, so I just feel like, after meeting those people, I just don't want to and I get it because that's the first thing I wanted to do but I also don't want them to be like mad at me. You know what I mean.


Yeah, so you kind of sound privileged.


I want to want to interrupt either, but that's why I would do, like this, a selfie with them in the background. You know what I mean, because that's what I try to do. I did a little different, yeah, I tried to do that in Thailand.


There were some monks and you're not supposed to take pictures with them, so I ran up in front of them and I was like, pretend like I was taking a selfie and they were behind me. I did get a good picture.


But they were like very upset with me. Oh, no, yeah, so what they say? I don't really know what they said, but I guess held by their demeanor that they were not happy.




I didn't know that. Yeah, and I want to go to Thailand.


You're not supposed to take pictures of them. Yeah, it's very sacred, yeah, so?


I mean a lot of things there. Yeah, yeah, it's very yeah.


Well, that's a whole another conversation I'm happy to have with you.


Yeah, but we should go to Thailand, yeah, for sure. We'll do out of the country conversations because I'm in Italy. You've got to, definitely. I'm sure Amber's got some.


Let's segue right into Thanksgiving. Let's go.




Let's talk about what. You guys both have children at home, so what is your plan?


So I'm so fortunate because my daughter is a foodie and they love hosting. So she just kind of took it upon herself to open up her home with her and her fiance and they host us and we've done it here in the past, but since Canada's past they know it's a lot for me to do by myself. So she opened up her home and it's kind of one come all.




I actually do holidays with their dad, so my ex-husband- yeah, you guys have a good relationship.


Yeah, yeah.


I mean, we're very cordial and we see each other on the holidays, so we open up our door. It's a very immediate family. It's not too big. I want to say there's maybe I don't know 15, 16 of us. They're there If they bring a friend. Or now my son, he's got a girlfriend. She comes by. So it's growing. We're growing right. So that's what we do as far as the family time. But then I have a plethora of friends' giveings, Right, and I love my friends' giveings because that's like your time to be with your friends, that you chose to be family.




So yeah, so I'll have one when I get back from. I'm actually going to pass a robles at Allegretto Shout out, allegretto. My daughter's getting married there and we're going to do the tasting of food for her wedding, yeah, yeah.


So I've got to actually jam down there this Saturday and then jam back so I can make a friend's giving Nice, and I'm missing another friend's giving because I've got this drive I've got to do. But yeah, and I'm sick. I'm so sorry I'm cutting it short because I'm trying not to cough, but is that time of year, right?


Yeah, yeah, yeah.


I'm going to drink the tea Instead of spilling the tea. I'm drinking the tea.


Sometimes you need to do both.


Well, since my plans of Vegas, I've canceled those, so now it's just kind of up in the air. But really it's just me, my mom and the kids, and this is a difficult week anyways. I just wish I could fast forward through all the holidays because Monday, the 20th, it'll be six years, so it's like this whole week going into that. Just it's difficult and just for our audience, six years For my husband passing yes.


OK, it's his anniversary. Yeah, his heavenly birthday, yeah, yes.


And he was in the hospital the week before, so that's why it's like this whole next week. It brings back a lot of different things, but how do you?


OK, because yours was so close to the holidays. You know what I mean. So just for our listeners, because you're not the only one.




So what do you do to get in the frame of mind that's positive?


I just have to stay busy and think of how far I've come. The first year, first, everything's were, as you know, are difficult, so it's just being positive and trying to stay busy, keep the kids busy. This is actually really a different kind of year for us, I think, because it's been six years, which isn't that long, but it is a long time. The kids have changed, the personalities have changed so, honestly, we haven't even talked about it, so I don't know what's going to happen.


So do you ever Because this is something that we do Like we, on holidays, special occasions, like was Jackson's birthday we bust out a shot of whiskey for Ken that he's with us? Do you do his favorite food or do you do anything like that that maybe brings back a memory of having him there?


He liked Jack. I hate Jack, but no, I mean, with the kids it's different. Usually it's like we release balloons and something like that and I just I really haven't put too much thought into it this year and I'm going to leave it up to the kids whether what they want to do, and I think the hardest it's for my oldest because she had more of a relationship with him. So we'll just see what happens. But really, for Thanksgiving, I just want to have a chill, I need to relax, I need to decompress, not work, not do anything, because I got 100 tabs open constantly, even when I am on vacation. So, oh, awesome, I just want some leftovers.


We can make that happen. So for me, I work Wednesday night. It's one of the busiest nights of the year, it sure is. Yep, I'll be working.


I'll come see you. Oh, all right. Oh, it's popping everywhere.


So normally what I do on Thanksgiving is I make two turkeys, I make homemade pies, I invite over everyone that doesn't have any place to go. Well, this is the second year that I'm without my best friend, who passed away, and it's something different for me because it's also my mom isn't around, so I don't have a mom to go have Thanksgiving dinner with, like yourself. But this year my chosen daughter and her wife have invited me over, so I think I'm going to go over there and spend the day with them. It's just different because I'm so used to like making all the things and everyone being at my house and I don't know. It's almost more depressing for me to go someplace else. But I'm going to try it out this year and see how it works out, because it's kind of the first year that I'm going to do that.


So I think you're going to find it's relaxing.


I hope it is.


We used to host and we used to do a table here and then here. So we have this big L going on.


Yeah, and yeah, I made it. I made it work in here right, and it's just a lot of work. Yes, and when I was talking about having a special, like you know something to have, you know that's what was really cool is like kind of remembering like, oh, what was Ken's favorite dish? What did he like that I made? Right, and then making sure like I make that every year and then the kids kind of remember it and it just becomes that favorite dish. Yes, but it's just like that preparation and all of that. I think you're going to find it's not so bad.


I love to cook, so for me it didn't really bother me. But I'm very much a perfectionist. So like I wanted everything ready on time, on the table, ready to go, and then like the table, like I get I don't want to say I get crazy with the table, because I really don't and everyone's kind of in and out because everyone's at different times, so I just leave stuff around, you know, pull it back out, put it away the whole nine yards. Nobody's going to get sick from my food, I promise.


See, I don't mind hosting Like I wish I had a bigger family, like I wish I had that and I don't anymore. And I think that's why it puts a damper on the holidays, right, like my kids don't have cousins that are around.


So if this year doesn't, we'll do that Well, next year we'll have. Thanksgiving at my house.


Yeah, and like if we know that you can always come with us. Yeah, well, we're a very open door policy.




Yeah, and okay, I got to chime in on this one just because we're talking about Thanksgiving and the traditions. So, since I don't host anymore because that's like more you know the parents job and my daughter's taking it over, which I love you, tatum, thank you so much. I have to give back and they really like that honey baked ham.


I love ham and my mom doesn't want to do a ham. She's like I'm going to do turkey if I'm cooking and I'm like, but I don't want turkey.


We do it, we do it, we do it.


Turkey and a ham because we have enough people, right, I don't eat. I stand in the line and look at it. It doesn't matter, you guys, it doesn't matter if you pre-order, you still stand in line to get your pre-order. So it's like I mean, I've been in line for two hours before, but it is funny because everybody out there, they're all like irritated, just the same.


Yeah, and we're all standing in line for pies at Costco. Yeah, and we're all holding coffees and you know on our phones.


Yeah, but that's what I do every year for the family, what I bring in Nice. I like that.


I don't eat ham but I do like I brine my own turkey for like three days. I get crazy. I do one on the barbecue, one in the oven, so like that's what I'm going to miss. Because now I'm just like what am I doing, what am I bringing? You're going to miss not having leftovers. I don't even eat them. That's the thing is. I beg people to take them home because I don't like turkey and I don't like ham.


Oh, wow.


The sliced turkey that I brought tonight. Yes, I like that, but I don't like turkey like that. I don't know, it's just, I'll eat it one time a year and I'm done. That's it. Most people like it for like sandwiches and stuff.


I don't. Yeah, I like the stuffing. No, I'm not big on the stuffing.


I like mashed potatoes.


So my aunt would make this like hash brown potato cheese casserole. Oh my god, I got to ask her for the recipe because it is so good. But it's like super easy. You just kind of throw it all together and put it in the oven. But I always do a green bean casserole. I like putting bacon bits in it. Your infamous green bean casserole, so that's great.


You said that though, because we do. Our family has one. It's called cranberry freeze and it's easy. It's like a thing of cranberries, a thing of cool. Whip a thing of pineapple, chop up some cream cheese, blend it all together, throw it in the freezer. It's done. It's delicious with the turkey because it's cranberry, but it's literally a family tradition. So do you have like? Does your family have like? One thing like, besides the green bean casserole?


So the tradition has become the honey baked and right, misty brings a honey baked ham. I stood in the line. I will say, michael, he whips up some mean mashed potatoes. I mean he's got a who's? Michael? That is my daughter, tatum's fiance Shout out they are my food. Oh, by the way, you can follow them on Instagram called going for seconds, and they have a foodie Instagram. Oh nice, yeah, they're into it. Like they plan traveling around restaurants, yeah, yeah you too. I've never thought to I plan traveling around activities, yeah.


You know what I mean. Or around food of the region, like when I went to Italy, you know what I mean Like I couldn't wait to eat the food. Thailand I love Thai food.


See and I planned Italy to see the ruins, to see the cathedrals.


I did those things too, but the food, yeah, but wasn't about the food, but for my kids it is. Yeah.


That's awesome though, yeah. So he does some mean mashed potatoes, and I will say we all look forward to those, because he works really hard. He pills them.


I got to chime in on the potatoes. So one thing about my family when there was a lot of us, when we get together, the new guy whether it was like whoever somebody's bringing would have to mash the potatoes and there couldn't be any lumps in them. Ah, he's a little more.


So we're like oh, you're the new guy.


Oh, you've been the new guy for the last two years, like I think my husband got lucky. He was like the new guy I don't even think he One time, One time maybe you know, and he wasn't the new guy, but you know, sorry for the last guy.


That's when you walk up.


You're like did you need to?


work out. Oh, you're going to get one, but you can't have lumps.


That would be the thing, and my grandma rest her heart, but that is the tradition.


I know it's funny.


I like that. It makes it fun. How long do you mash potatoes where there's no lumps? That's the point.


After a while, they get gummy.


OK, I'm like wait a minute. There's always going to be a little bit of lumpiness.


No, but they try really hard, yeah, they think it's a.




It's the effort. Yeah, you know what Me? I would be the one over there like I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Yeah, I was just wondering, you did that again. Ok, so you guys can't see, I'm literally mashing my potatoes right here on the table, Looking like she's stroking something you know stroking to the east.


I'm stroking to the west.


I'm just trying to make mashed potatoes.


Please, and now that I shared that, you guys will have to share that with anybody in your family.


I think that's great. No, that's great, In fact. That just brings Share it. I'm going to be trying to do it.


Oh, you're the new guy. Oh, no, I'm new today, but no, no, who's newest here? Yeah, my daughter's the newbie.


You know, and that brings me to think. I always like games, you know.




Potato sack race or whatever, right. And now that we're growing, we weren't big enough either. Really, you know what I mean. Now that we're growing, I'm like oh, we're actually getting big enough to maybe throw something in Like games outside or like card games or like yeah, card games. We definitely always do card and dice.




For Jackson's birthday, we did 1, 424.


Yes and we all played.


It was very fun, but I mean outside games.


Yes, yes, yes, because it's nice here, cosinic yeah.


You know just stuff like that, my friend that was just here, she the one that went home today from Oklahoma. She's like she was sitting outside and she's like is it like this all the time? I'm like pretty much till like after Christmas. Yeah, it'll be cold, but it's Thanksgiving. We're outside. I feel like Super Bowl. We're watching the Super Bowl outside on the back patio Like it's nice. So we are very, very fortunate here. I mean, we are blessed. And so, with that being said, coming up with Thanksgiving, what is something that you are going to be thankful for this year?


I am definitely thankful for the growth in my life. Honestly, I feel like I've had a year of clarity after everything that's gone on. You know, losing my husband and raising two kids it's not an easy job, but I feel like for the first time I have clarity just with what I'm doing and who I am as a person.




So I'm very grateful for that. I'm grateful that my oldest kind of keeps me in check, because she's like the mother of the house Keeps you grounded. Yeah, my youngest is going to be the death of me, but that's OK, I love your little heart.


OK, is the youngest, the one when I called the other day and she was like snippy in the background. What's her name? Maya? Yeah, you're like Maya. I don't remember what she said. She's got an mouth of a sailor.


And I'm like do not talk like that. You're like I'm on the phone, wait till I get off. She didn't say that. But seriously, I want my kids to be comfortable. I don't want to be on them constantly, but I think it's gotten out of hand and they've taken advantage of that. It's like every.


Well, because you're wearing so many hats Right. And.


I don't want to be like I was so strict with my oldest and she's like you were so strict, you'd spank me this.


Now I'm like but look at you, you're great. Well maybe you should do that. I'm not telling you what to do.


I don't know the second one.


But I mean, if it worked out good for the first one.


You know they're two different and I just explain this with my oldest because she's like you're so different with her you don't even spank her.


You're two different people.


I say but she is different. I can yell at her and tell her how disappointed I am and the tears start coming Right. And she goes along with herself in the bathroom With my oldest it did that didn't matter, I would have to spank her, and that's how she registered like, oh, I'm not supposed to do that. Yeah, so my youngest. I just have to be very stern, yes, and I'm constantly pulled in so many different directions, so it's hard, it's hard. Yeah, it's very tiring. I'm done and I still got seven more years.


Yeah, you're not done. Sister, calm down. And you're not done after that, yeah, yeah, take it from us, but at that point they can make their own choices. Exactly so, Missy. What about you? What are you thankful for this year?


Same. I really, really emulate that with growth. Like I started counseling last year after losing Ken, and I've come a long, long way. I got a lot of clarity. I made some leaps and bounds since this last year. The first two years were really tough for me, so I'm going a little over three. So just that growth. And secondly, I just accepted her promotion with my job Congratulations and it's a big one. So what it means? More stress.




Yeah, in my role, no more problems. Exactly In my role. It's optionary, it's option, it's, I was to say, optional. There we go For me to take it or I could take it or leave it, and if I do decide to take it, then my numbers have increased and the expectations Right, and I decided I'm going to. I got some large accounts that I'm working with that have been phenomenal. So I really think that this next year I should see the fruits of my labor. So, and that promotion is going to be huge. You know I'm single income, so that's going to make up for the loss that I had. And, yeah, and I'm very thankful for this, I'm thankful for you, ladies.


Yes, definitely. I love you guys too.


Yeah, and just the people that are listening and our audience and the people that support. I'm so thankful, like I have great, great family and friends and I'm very blessed.


Before I say what I'm blessed for and thankful for, I think it's really important for the people out there listening to understand that we really don't know each other. Nope.


Which makes this, even like it's crazy, it's awesome, it's cool, it's just so, but we really don't know each other. I mean, I went out to dinner with Amber, I've been out to dinner with Misty, I think we've all been out and had a drink together, but that's literally it. Besides doing these podcasts, we don't know each other from day to day in our lives. So when we come on here, what you're hearing is really like we don't know these things about each other. It's not prescripted. It's not like us saying, you know, oh, how was this, what was that? This is us really getting together and sitting down and figuring those things out. But what this? And to lead into it. This is exactly what I'm thankful for.


I have lost a lot of friends this year, not not because they have passed away, but just people change, situations change. People get a boyfriend or people don't like you anymore or you said something stupid on Facebook or whatever the case is. But I'm really thankful that I, for the lady sitting at this table, I'm thankful for the friends that I do have, friends that have come back into my life, and I'm thankful for my family like so super thankful for my aunt that lives with me. Well, she lives on my property. In case you haven't listened, I have like a little tiny home there and we've talked about it's great and it's perfect and it's great because she's close but far and she's my biggest supporter. I realized this week when my friend was here and I might start crying a little bit that she very she takes care of me. She helps with the laundry, she helps taking care of the dogs, helps with the dishes, she helps with the hard work.


Everybody's. I want a Tia, I want. Tia you can't have mine, though, so find your own. I'm moving in, fuck this shit. Well, she keeps saying when she's like, when I take, when I how does she say it? I take a dirt nap. When I croak, whatever it is, she says you can rent out this, this, right here she goes and maybe someone can help you or you can charge them rent and I'm just like, okay, first of all, we're not talking about that. First of all, you know that's never happening.


She seems so young, like meeting her in the house, like she's her first.




Her personality, like she still has a lot of life in her. I know.


So when she says shit like that, it's like it's one slapper.


Right yeah.


She's out in the yard cutting trees and shit. I don't know what she's talking about.


Like how old is she?


70 something.


Okay, she's 76.


Don't tell her All right, no, but that's awesome, she's out there cutting like wow, she just gets crazy.


Yeah, yeah, it's wild, yeah, I love it.


So I guess now is when we end up with wrap it up, I mean, yeah, well, do we have any like stories you want to share before we close out? Because I definitely have a story.


Okay, let's hear your story, yeah, and then we go, and then I we still we need to our heat and wave, I say yes, oh yes, no, let's keep it going.


So, but I want to hear a story.


Yeah, let's go.


Are you guys ready for this? We are super fucking embarrassing. Okay being there, but now I'm like ha ha ha. So I meet this guy. We have a few drinks here they're where. And downtown uh, at a brewery.


Okay so here, yeah, here locally Gotcha.


Like we already been talking and on the phone or whatever. So then he's like hey, come down here.


So he is.


Is this your first meeting with him? Yes, first meeting. I guess I should give more detail.


Yeah, because that's important yeah.


I know, but this is kind of embarrassing.


Okay, so you mean you mean online?


Yes, Okay, so, but we had been talking for a week or two or whatever, and so he's with his brother. He's like yeah, I'm going to be down there, come see me. And I'm like oh. And so I hung up and I thought, but I was like I'm just going to get ready, I don't go down there, and like why not? So I go down there. And he's already like tipsy from you know, because those IPAs have like 12% in some of them.




Yeah. So I'm like, oh my God, like am I really going to do this? And then so they were like let's go over to yoga across the street.


Tioca, tioca. Oh, I thought you meant to yoga. I was going to fucking go on a date, what the hell.


We go over there. We have we have some more drinks. But before then I walked in my car because I was like tempted to leave. And then he calls me. He's like where are you at? I'm like, oh my God. So you were trying to escape. Well, I was on the fence. I didn't know if I wanted to leave or not.


Right, because I was attracted.


Yeah, like he's all right, you know what I mean, but he was drunk. But he was drunk.


So I'm like instant turn off Right, and so I'm like okay, but who hasn't been drunk?


Right, I mean giving him the benefit of the doubt.


Right, that's where it starts first, and so I'm like okay, so.


I walk back over. I'm like, yeah, I see you, I'm over here by my car, so I walk back over to him. We go there. Well, then we end up at the cosmopolitan to eat, because this guy needs to eat. Yeah, we're sitting there with his brother and the table's kind of flimsy. Okay, oh no, oh no, yes. And like we have our calamari, we have our drinks, like luckily our food wasn't on the table yet, but he like leans on the table because you know he's been trying to be swab.


He's now. He was trying to keep his head up. Head up, oh my God, and the table. But it was like I'm not lying, like trying to make it sound, but if it wasn't wobbly I don't think it would have fallen over like that. But everything flew to the ground and he fell to the ground.


Oh my God.


And I was like oh, my God, like and the cosmopolitan is yes, for our audience.


Right, it's very dark, quite smaller, you're right there, but it's all kind of a you know nice, there's white tablecloth. Yeah, it's nicer, yeah, but you're, yeah, this, I mean you're like right there, it's a romantic spot.


Drunken bull in the Chinese opera, yeah.


And some guy, some other guy that was sitting there having dinner with his family. He jumped up. He's like are you okay? Like he didn't know if he had a seizure.


Oh, what the hell? He's just drunk. Don't worry about him, yeah.


And I would be better if he faked it, jeez.


But like I swear, best service. Like five people come running over there with mops, like there was broken dishes like the broken glass. I was like oh, my fucking God, and the bartender that served us, the lady.


Yeah, she was there. And then she's like, do I need to make any more drinks? I'm all know, do not make any more of his drinks. That fell to the ground, yeah. And so then they move us to another table and it's fine. But I'm just like, oh my God. So then we're sitting there and their food comes in and they're eating and I was like I'm not really eating. So, you know, I have like a piece of bread, but I said so. I guess now is a good time to tell you that I'm part of a podcast and you just gave me really good content. Yes, and so you know, I've still been chatting with him and I don't think he remembers that I said that. So today, when he asked what I was doing this evening, I told him. I said I don't know if you remember me, but remember me telling you. But you gave me really good content, because he doesn't even remember.


Oh, of course he was in blackout mode at the point. Yeah, yeah.


And he was like you can't do that. And I'm all, yeah, I can. I said I won't say your name, but he goes. Anybody that knows it's going to know that it's me. And I said well, nobody knows that it was you?


Yeah, well, they know. I have no idea who he is. Unless there was somebody sitting at the Cosmo that's listening to this, yeah, or unless he thinks he's real fucking famous, so no so he's all right, and I won't even give you more, he just made him famous.


There you go.


Yeah, I won't even give any more details about him until.


Another date has happened. Yeah, we'll see.


We'll see, I love it. I love it All right. Heat and wave girls. We kind of did our thankful, which is a lot of our waves, so we'll stick with that. Thankful was our wave. Let's go our heat right, sure, ok. So my heat is going to be and we mentioned this when we threw it out in our because for our audience we do, of course, like a group, host chat and fucking. Fresno is the fourth war city to be single Ding, ding, ding, ding, oh my God. And so I mean now it's just like proven, like right.


I know Were you looking at it, thinking I'm not surprised, I'm totally. I didn't think we were fourth.


I you know what I mean. Like yeah, a lot of damn cities out there. Did you read the article? I?


didn't read the whole thing. No, it's literally the top four. Three of them are California. That.


I would probably say yes. I would say because look at, I mean in. I'm surprised at Fresno's there though, but in larger cities I can see right.


Because I think weren't, though that was the thing they're like. I feel like they were smaller cities, if I remember correctly. But yes, no, but I get it, but do you know why?


Because there's people. No, because it says there's not enough things to do here. Oh, it did say that, yeah.


So. So what was it saying? Like, like, we got there, I know we got the restaurants and we got the bars, but there's like not anything else. Cool, let's all get drunk and off tables.


Let's all be fat and drunk.




I mean.


OK fight. So this brings me to say when I was in Nashville we went to this place it was the pin machine, I think it was called. So fucking cool, we were in there and we're like Fresno needs this. This is a great date spot. It literally had many bowling alleys over here. It had large, you know, beer pong cups over here, darts, different games, a slide from the top going down All these different areas, a free pinball machine area where you can do arcade and stuff. It was so cool and I was like we don't really have anything like that. And then someone someone mentioned in our group, I think it was Joy mentioned under, I guess, underground Manchester Mall. No, that's.


Oh yeah, yes, that is not advertised and it's actually really cool. It's really nice.


OK, I've never been.


Oh my God, we should totally go bowling, OK, maybe?


we can have a chat. You know what it's called.


I have a friend that works there. I can't remember the name of it.


Can we go in there and like before they open and like record.


I can ask her? That would be cool.


I can ask her and get you know. We're kind of just giving a shout out right now.


Yeah, yeah, no let me look them up, look the name up, and while you're doing that, we'll. We'll wrap this up and get to the next.


Yeah, let's go. And so, yeah, she's looking that up and I'm just going to say, hey, you guys, small town, big mouths, we are on everything you can think of all the streaming. We are on Buzzsprout, apple, we are on Spotify, we are on YouTube, all of the social media platforms. You got X, got, instagram, got Facebook, we got, we had TikTok, we have a TikTok, yes, instagram yeah. We could do a Snapchat.


We haven't done that yet yeah, I just, I just thought of that, yeah. So please, you guys, tune in, download, support. Add us as a friend and we love giving shout outs and message us If you want us to talk about anything. Share a story. If you want to be a question, yeah. If you want to be a guest, let us know what you can. You know, give to us.


And now the name of that place is called X lanes.


Yeah, X lanes, yes, so got it.


And let's bring up somebody that left a comment on one of our YouTube posts. And there was a comment and it kind of caught me off guard because he said I'm assuming it's a him I don't know if it's a guy or a girl because it's not really like a real name but they said we have. From listening to us, it sounds like we have lots of privilege.


Oh, oh yeah, that one no, I think it was a female, you think so. I think I remember it.


Yeah, because I read it. It was just like AC, yeah, winsome numbers, or whatever.


Yeah. Yeah, I mean honestly, I love positive add negative feedback. I don't really care. Sometimes we might shout you out and that's great. You kind of get a little bump from us. But you know, chime in, chime in and tell us what you think. As far as the privilege comment, I just think we're just trying to give like our take on stuff the way we see it, and of course every podcast is going to be different, right, right, so I think it's going to be those people that enjoy listening to us, like our humor, like what we have to say, seeing it from a different side, and that's just diversity. And that's what is great, right, about podcasts in general is that you listen to different ones and you have different perspectives, but we all live different lives.


So, like what someone may perceive as being, you know what was the privilege. I mean, maybe someone else doesn't, and I don't think that it's being privileged. I think that we are all um, let me speak to myself. I'm over 50. Like, I've lived a life, you know what I mean. So it's not that I'm privileged. I have a lot to say about all the things that I've done and I don't think there's privilege about that.


And I'm a broke bitch. So we're not privileged. Yeah, we're not privileged.


I think we all work very hard for what we have. So I mean that there's that.


We spend our money on what we want to do with our lives, so but this is it, comments.


We will talk about you. So please chime in Definitely. And then we're going to wrap up for our next episode. I have my beautiful, beautiful Athena that will be joining us and she will be talking about more holidays but going into Christmas and she has a different role than us, cause we're all single and she's not. And she is funny, funny, funny. I know her from back in the day. She was a DJ for B 95 for years. So if you're local and you remember, you'll know who Athena is. So stay tuned and thank you, roger that Roger, that Roger that.

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